Script example

There is also a script that runs through all the steps in the usage guide, but then as a Python program. This may be easier to edit, and for finding relevant functions.

While the script is rather lengthy, a lot of it are comments explaning the steps, plus a lot of bookkeeping, and some plotting functionality. The actual steps aren’t that many.

The full script is included below, but can also be found as extras/

Full code

import sys
from pathlib import Path
import math
from copy import deepcopy
import toml
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from kcs.config import read_config, default_config
from kcs.utils.atlist import atlist
from kcs.extraction import calc as extract
from import read_averaged_data, concat_cubes
from kcs.utils.attributes import get as get_attrs
from kcs.utils.matching import match
from kcs.tas_change import calc as calc_tas_change
from kcs.tas_change.plot import plot as plot_tas_change
from kcs.steering import calc as calc_steering
from kcs.steering.core import normalize_average_dataset
from kcs.steering.plot import plot as plot_steering
from kcs.change_perc import calc as calc_change_perc
from kcs.change_perc.plot import plot as plot_change_perc
from kcs.resample import calc as resample

# Read any command-line supplied configuration file
# If not supplied, read the default user one (kcs-config.toml in working directory)
except IndexError:
# default_config is now updated

# Read the dataset files from our lists
cmip_lists = dict(tas="@cmip6-tas.list", pr="@cmip6-pr.list")
cmip_files = {key: list(atlist(fname)) for key, fname in cmip_lists.items()}
ecearth_lists = dict(tas="@ecearth-tas.list", pr="@ecearth-pr.list")
ecearth_files = {key: list(atlist(fname)) for key, fname in ecearth_lists.items()}

# Alternatively, we could use e.g. glob:
#     import glob
#     files_pr = glob.glob("/data/cmip6/*/Amon/pr/*/*/*.nc")
# etcetera.

# Step 0: extract and average the areas

data = {'cmip': {'global': {}, 'nlpoint': {}},
        'ecearth': {'global': {}, 'nlpoint': {}}}
# Areas are given as a dictionary: {name: definition}
# The definition can be taken from the default_config
# Conveniently, None is the definition for the global area
area = {'global': None}
# Almost all parameters have a proper default
# The template parameter is just made explicit
template = "data/cmip6/{var}-{area}-averaged/{filename}.nc"
data['cmip']['global']['tas'] = extract(cmip_files['tas'], area, ignore_common_warnings=True,
area = {'nlpoint': default_config['areas']['nlpoint']}
for var in {'tas', 'pr'}:
    data['cmip']['nlpoint'][var] = extract(cmip_files[var], area, ignore_common_warnings=True,

area = {'global': None}
template = "data/ecearth/{var}-{area}-averaged/{filename}.nc"
data['ecearth']['global']['tas'] = extract(ecearth_files['tas'], area, ignore_common_warnings=True,
area = {'nlpoint': default_config['areas']['nlpoint']}
for var in {'tas', 'pr'}:
    data['ecearth']['nlpoint'][var] = extract(ecearth_files[var], area, ignore_common_warnings=True,

# Step 1-pre: read previously created data
datasets = {'cmip': {'global': {}, 'nlpoint': {}},
            'ecearth': {'global': {}, 'nlpoint': {}}}

skipped_above = False
if skipped_above:
    # Use pre-defined @-lists
    cmip_lists = {'global-tas': "@cmip6-tas-global-averaged.list",
                  'nlpoint-pr': "@cmip6-pr-nlpoint-averaged.list",
                  'nlpoint-tas': "@cmip6-tas-nlpoint-averaged.list"}
    ecearth_lists = {'global-tas': "@ecearth-tas-global-averaged-short.list",
                     'nlpoint-pr': "@ecearth-pr-nlpoint-averaged-short.list",
                     'nlpoint-tas': "@ecearth-tas-nlpoint-averaged-short.list"}
    cmip_files = {key: list(atlist(Path(fname))) for key, fname in cmip_lists.items()}
    ecearth_files = {key: list(atlist(Path(fname))) for key, fname in ecearth_lists.items()}

    for area in {'global', 'nlpoint'}:
        for var in {'tas', 'pr'}:
            if area == 'global' and var == 'pr':
            key = f"{area}-{var}"
            datasets['cmip'][area][var] = read_averaged_data(cmip_files[key])
            # Limit to eight datasets for testing purposes
            datasets['ecearth'][area][var] = read_averaged_data(ecearth_files[key][:8])

    for name in data:
        for area in data[name]:
            for var in data[name][area]:
                paths = [Path(item.path) for item in data[name][area][var]]
                cubes = [item.cube for item in data[name][area][var]]
                datasets[name][area][var] = get_attrs(cubes, paths)

# Step 1a: calculate the tas annual change
dataset = datasets['cmip']['global']['tas']
dataset = match(dataset)
cols = ['model', 'experiment', 'realization', 'index_match_run']
tas_change_percentiles, dataset = \
    calc_tas_change(dataset, reference_period=[1990, 2019], relative=False)
datasets['cmip']['global']['tas'] = dataset
plot_tas_change(tas_change_percentiles, "tas_change_cmip.png",
                xlabel="Year", ylabel="Temperature increase [${}^{\circ}$C]",
                title="Yearly annual temperature change",
                legend=True, smooth=10)

#tas_change_percentiles.to_csv("tas_change_cmip.csv", index_label="date")
#tas_change_percentiles = pd.read_csv("tas_change_cmip.csv")

# Step 1b: calculate steering table for the scenarios

scenarios = []
for epoch in {2050, 2085}:
    # Note: percentiles need to be strings
    scenarios.extend([{'name': 'G', 'percentile': '10', 'epoch': epoch},
                      {'name': 'W', 'percentile': '90', 'epoch': epoch}])
dataset = datasets['ecearth']['global']['tas']
steering = calc_steering(dataset, tas_change_percentiles, scenarios,
                         rolling_mean=10, reference_period=[1990, 2019])
steering = pd.DataFrame(steering)
# Normalize EC-EARTH data for the plot
ecearth_data = normalize_average_dataset(dataset['cube'], relative=False,
                                       reference_period=[1990, 2019])

plot_steering(tas_change_percentiles, steering, "tas_change_cmip_steering.png",
              extra_data=ecearth_data, reference_epoch=2005,
              xlabel="Year", ylabel="Temperature increase [${}^{\circ}$C]",
              title="Yearly annual temperature change",
              legend=True, smooth=10)

#steering.to_csv("steering.csv", index=False)
#steering = pd.read_csv("steering.csv")
#steering_table['period'] = steering_table['period'].apply(
#    lambda x: tuple(map(int, x.strip('()').split(','))))

# Step 2

# The nested loops below are essentially the same as the
# kcs.change_perc.runall helper module
area = 'nlpoint'
seasons = ['djf', 'mam', 'jja', 'son']
distrs = {}
writecsv = False
columns = ['mean', '5', '10', '50', '90', '95']
xlabels = ['ave', 'P05', 'P10', 'P50', 'P90', 'P95']

for var in ['tas', 'pr']:
    relative = var == 'pr'
    if var == 'pr':
        text = 'prec'
        ylabel = "Change (%)"
    elif var == 'tas':
        text = 't2m'
        ylabel = r"Change (${}^{\circ}$C)"

    distrs[var] = {}
    dataset = datasets['cmip'][area][var]
    dataset = match(dataset)
    cmip_dataset = concat_cubes(dataset)

    ecearth_dataset = datasets['ecearth'][area][var]

    for epoch, steering_group in steering.groupby('epoch'):
        distrs[var][epoch] = {}
        period = epoch - 15 + 1, epoch + 15

        for season in seasons:
            perc_distr, perc = calc_change_perc(dataset.copy(), season, period,
                                                relative=relative, reference_period=[1990, 2019])
            # Save the CMIP percentile distributions for later
            distrs[var][epoch][season] = perc_distr
            if writecsv:
                filename = f"{var}_{epoch}_{season}_perc_distr.csv"
                perc_distr.to_csv(filename, index=True)
                filename = f"{var}_{epoch}_{season}_perc.csv"
                perc.to_csv(filename, index=True)

            scenarios = {}
            for _, row in steering_group.iterrows():
                data = ecearth_dataset.copy()
                name = row['name'].rstrip('0123456789')  # remove the year part
                period = row['period']  # Matched EC-EARTH period
                _, scenarios[name] = calc_change_perc(data, season, period, relative=relative,
                                                      reference_period=[1990, 2019])
                if writecsv:
                    filename = f"{var}_{epoch}_{season}_{name}_perc.csv"
                    scenarios[name].to_csv(filename, index=False)

            labels = {
                'title': '',
                'text': text,
                'y': ylabel,
                'x': '',
                'epoch': epoch,
            plot_change_perc(perc_distr, labels, limits=None, columns=columns, xlabels=xlabels,
            filename = f"{var}_{epoch}_{season}.png"
            plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')

from pprint import pprint

# Step 3: resample the EC-EARTH data

# Concatenate tas & pr, since we'll need both in resampling step 2
dataset = pd.concat([datasets['ecearth']['nlpoint'][var] for var in ['tas', 'pr']])
print(dataset[['var', 'experiment', 'model']])

# Update steering table with precipitation conditions for resampling 1
steering = steering.rename(columns={'target year': 'epoch', 'resampling period': 'period',
                                    'name': 'scenario'})
precip_table = pd.DataFrame({'subscenario': ['L', 'H'],
                             'precip_change_per_t': [4, 8]})
# must be a better way to create an outer product without inserting a random key
steering['key'] = precip_table['key'] = 0
table = pd.merge(steering, precip_table, on='key', how='outer').drop(columns='key')
# Update precipiation values with delta-t
table['precip_change'] = table['model_delta_t'] * table['precip_change_per_t']
# We should end up with nstep1 samples after this step
nstep1 = 1000

# Load the conditions for resampling step 2 from a config file
# We could define them in code, but that would become quite lengthy
with open('step2_conditions.toml') as fh:
    conditions = toml.load(fh)
# transform the epoch keys to integer, since TOML only uses string keys
conditions2 = deepcopy(conditions)
for key in conditions:
    for prkey in conditions[key]:
        for epoch, value in conditions[key][prkey].items():
            conditions2[key][prkey][int(epoch)] = value
            del conditions2[key][prkey][epoch]
conditions = conditions2
from pprint import pprint

# Number of final resampled datasets and penalties for resampling step 3
nstep3 = 8
penalties = {1: 0.0, 2: 0.0, 3: 1.0, 4: 3.0}
# fill up the penalties with inf to the number of resampled datasets
for i in range(max(penalties.keys())+1, nstep3+1):
    penalties[i] = math.inf

indices, diffs = resample(dataset, table, conditions, penalties,
                          nstep1=nstep1, nstep3=nstep3, nsections=6,
                          reference_period=[1990, 2019], relative=['pr'])

for key in diffs:
    for var in diffs[key]:
        for season in diffs[key][var]:
            print(var, season)

columns = ['mean', '5', '10', '50', '90', '95']
xlabels = ['ave', 'P05', 'P10', 'P50', 'P90', 'P95']
scenarios = {}
for epoch in {2050, 2085}:
    scenarios[epoch] = {}
    for var in {'pr', 'tas'}:
        scenarios[epoch][var] = {}
        for season in seasons:
            scenarios[epoch][var][season] = {}
for key, diff in diffs.items():
    epoch, scenario, pr_scenario = key
    epoch = int(epoch)
    for var in {'pr', 'tas'}:
        for season in seasons:
            scenarios[epoch][var][season][f"{scenario}_{pr_scenario}"] = diff[var][season]

for key, value in diffs.items():
    epoch, scenario, pr_scenario = key
    epoch = int(epoch)
    for var, value2 in value.items():
        relative = var == 'pr'
        if var == 'pr':
            text = 'precip'
            ylabel = "Change (%)"
            ylimits = [-50, 50]
        elif var == 'tas':
            text = 't2m'
            ylabel = r"Change (${}^{\circ}$C)"
            ylimits = [-1, 5]
        for season, diff in value2.items():
            distr = distrs[var][epoch][season]
            labels = {
                'title': '',
                'text': f"{text}, {season}",
                'y': ylabel,
                'x': '',
                'epoch': epoch,
            plot_change_perc(distr, labels, limits=ylimits,
                             columns=columns, xlabels=xlabels,
            filename = f"resampled_{var}_change_{epoch}_{season}_nlpoint.png"
            plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')